Katie . running . Film . Startups
Hey! I am Easton. The best part of my life is that I am married to Katie, who makes life rad. After that, I like to make art (film), start businesses, and travel. I am always hooked on some sport (currently golf) and I recently graduated from the #1 Advertising program in the world at BYU. I have enjoyed freelance film + running my small business (Madder Games) since then.
I’ve loved making videos since I was 14, a passion that began with my YouTube channel. Over several years, I created 110 video logs and inspirational videos, documenting my journey as I traveled across the U.S. to compete against the nation’s top high school and collegiate runners. That early enthusiasm for storytelling evolved when my brother-in-law, Pierce, introduced me to commercial cinematography. Through him, I learned the importance of lenses, light, composition, and color in creating impactful visuals. I’ve created work for brands like Red Bull, Rhone, Huel and many others. I would love to create something with you :).
previously awarded D&ad student portfolio & AAf Clio awards for cinematography (2024)
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